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Sunday 27 November 2011

my product??? S'wak Layer Cake!!!!!

The making of.....

Here, we provide some of Sarawak Layer Cake that you can choose:

Citrawarna Layer Cake

Fruity flavor
Size 1/5 (200x40x74)mm or full (200 x 200 x 74)mm
Weight 1/5 = 560gm
Full = 2.8kg
Price: 1/5 - RM30
Full - RM150  

Terendak Layer Cake
Chocolate flavor
Size 1/5 (200x40x74)mm or full (200 x 200 x 74)mm
Weight 1/5 = 560gm
Full = 2.8kg
Price: 1/5 - RM30
Full - RM150

Pua Kumbu Layer Cake
Strawberry flavor
Size 1/5 (200x40x74)mm or full (200 x 200 x 74)mm
Weight 1/5 = 560gm
Full = 2.8kg
Price: 1/5 - RM30
Full - RM150

Sunday 13 November 2011

information technology in business

   Just thinking about it make me excited. do you know why??
It is because, it help me understand more about technology that being used widely in business activity.
   Information Technology and Management explores the many different technologies inherent in the field of information technology and their impact on information systems design, functionality, operations, and management.  
   Today,business world is a large and very competitive field  and each of the businessman must be efficient and fast in all their activities that involving in their business. One of the best ways to facilitate their business activities is through the internet.
    If we refer back to the earlier statement, the Internet is closely related to information technology. Majority of the people, already know how to use computers and surf the Internet and those who do not have such knowledge will be left behind.
   With technology help, many of the businessman already become really rich and wealthy. I will try to study hard in this subject so i can apply it in my daily life.

  This is the example of the books that will help you understand more in this subject:

The journal takes a broad view of information systems as systems that not only include machines but human beings as well. As a result, the journal is an important outlet for studies concerning the man/machine interface, human factors, and organizational issues. Moreover, the journal explores the managerial issues and the strategic issues that arise from the management of information technology.


  Lady Justice is the symbol of the judiciary
   Many people said that law subject is really a tough subject. I also admit that, this is the toughest subject that i ever learn in my life. However, i found that law subject is not that all bad. I think that, this subject is kind a interesting because it closely related with our daily life. I would like to share some information about law subject to you.
   Law is a system of rules and guidelines which are enforced through social institutions to govern behavior, wherever possible. It shapes politicseconomics and society in numerous ways and serves as a social mediator of relations between people.Contract law regulates everything from buying a bus ticket to trading on derivatives marketsProperty law defines rights and obligations related to the transfer and title of personal and real property
   Trust law applies to assets held for investment and financial security, while tort law allows claims for compensation if a person's rights or property are harmed. If the harm is criminalised in legislation, criminal law offers means by which the state can prosecute the perpetrator. Constitutional law provides a framework for the creation of law, the protection of human rights and the election of political representatives. Administrative law is used to review the decisions of government agencies, while international law governs affairs between sovereign states in activities ranging from trade to environmental regulation or military action. Writing in 350 BC, the Greek philosopher Aristotle declared, "The rule of law is better than the rule of any individual.
   Interesting right??? :) 
   I will try my best to study this subject...

mY dre@m peT...

   Have you ever thought of a white tiger as your pets? Well if you ask me.....it was my dream though...hahaha...but the white tiger is a protected animal, after all these animals definitely prohibited by the government as a pet.

   Well as usual, shall i share some information about white tigers with you? hahaha..of course i will. But first, what do you know about white tiger???

   White tigers differ from the standard orange and black tigers in appearance only. They are characterized by having a creamy white coat with random black/brown stripes, bright blue eyes, and a pink nose. With the exception of these cosmetic differences, the white tiger remains identical in every aspect to the normal color phased tigers. This striking abnormality is caused by a double recessive allele in the genetic code; and only occurs in one out of approximately 10,000 births (in the wild). Oddly, this rare color mutation is only found in the Bengal tiger subspecies in the wild. In captivity, Siberian and Bengal tigers have interbred creating white hybrid tigers.
   The size of a tiger's territory depends on the amount of food available, and usually ranges from about 10 to 30 square miles (26-78 sq. km). Siberian tigers sometimes have really big territories (as large as 120 square miles). Although tigers usually live alone, tiger territories can overlap. A male tiger's territory usually overlaps those of several female tigers. Today only about 5,000–7,000 wild tigers live across Asia. The past and present ranges of the remaining five tiger subspecies are illustrated.
   The northernmost living tiger, the Amur or Siberian tiger, lives primarily in southeastern Russia. The South China tiger occurs only in southern China. The range of the Indochinese tiger extends across most of Southeast Asia. The Bengal tiger is found primarily in India, while the Sumatran tiger is restricted to the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The Bali, Caspian, and Javan tigers have become extinct in the past 70 years.
   Over much of the tiger's broad geographic range, wild pig, wild cattle and several species of deer are its major prey. All prey are forest or grassland ungulates that range in size from 65 to 2,000 pounds (30-900 kg). Typically, wild tigers gorge themselves on fresh kills, and can eat as much as 40 pounds (18 kg) of meat at one time. The tiger will not eat again for several days.

How lovely it will be if my dream came true....haha just kidding..
so cute!!!!!!!

mY f@v0ritE h0meTown fO0d

I always miss home and when I think of home, I will miss my favorite food which are linut,umai jep, jekan lumek and udieng unjuer. All this food are Melanau's traditional food and also really yummy...
I will introduce some information about my favorite food.......


   Of all the Melanau delicacies, linut is considered as the most complete dish because it is served with ulam such as herbs and vegetables plus smoked or salted fish, spicy gravy and sambal.Though it sounds a bit complicated due to the number of accompaniment and side dishes, the preparation of linut itself is very simple, only with sago flour.Appropriate amount of sago flour, depending on the number of people, is prepared by cleaning with water. Clean water is then added to the flour before boiling water is poured on the flour as it is stirred until it turns sticky like glue.

   Linut is best when served hot, and that is why the accompaniment and side dishes must be prepared before hand so that the linut can served right away while it is still hot. The traditional way to scoop the sticky linut from the bowl is to use a special clipper made from the vein of the sago palm frond. Just poke the clipper into the linut and twist it around a few times and scoop the linut which sticks to the clipper.Linut is normally served during a family reunion or a gathering of friends and visitors.
Umai Jep:

   Umai is made of raw fish, pounded together with norm ingredients such as onion, chili and lemon. Sometimes, grind peanuts are added. Another old version of umai is to serve it together with another local food called sago.Those familiar with Japanese “Sushi”, Umai is just a sibling of that type of raw food. Except the way it serves, the preparation of the fish is almost similar. Fish used are normally known by the locals as “pirang”, “puput” or some are using “tenggiri”. In new version of umai, some says that cuttlefish and prawn can be used as well.

   Preparation of the fish is not that easy as skills and experience on using sharp knife needed to cut the fish into smaller slices. The ingredients are normally prepared separately based on the taste of the buyer. In Mukah there are two types of umai, “Umai jep” and “umai campur” the different could be seen on the type of ingredient used and how it is serve.

Jekan Lumek A.K.A Lumek Fish:

   During the months of March until May, lumek fishes are caught in abundance in the waters of Pulau Beruit. The fish is whitish in colour. It has razor sharp teeth with soft bones and meat. Smoked lumek fishes are produced in large quantity in the numerous huts built by the villagers. Before the fishes are smoked, the heads are removed and the fishes cleaned.A strong fire is used for the six hours smoking process in order to ensure the fishes are completely dried. Further drying under the blazing sun is required if the fishes are not completely dried.
   A properly-smoked lumek fish is brownish black in colour. Once the fish is dried, it shrinks in size including its bones. Most often, the Melanau community in Kampung Betanak consumes smoked lumek together with sago or as snacks for afternoon tea.

Udieng Unjur: 

   It is known as kupa while in some areas, it is called sesar. These dried salted shrimps are made from red hard-shell shrimps or payak. The process of making dried salted shrimps is quite complicated. The shrimps have to be shelled and straightened before they are mixed with salt. Then, the shrimps are smoked for several hours until fully dried. This is one of the reasons for its high price. Thus, it is unsurprising for a kilogramme of kupa to cost RM50.00 in Kampung Betanak while in Kuching, it is RM80.00.

   So you already know little information about my favorite food,so why don't you come to Sarawak and try it yourself. I guarantee you'll want more after you eat these foods,believe me...;)   

About Me.....

Name: Nur Ain binti Mohtaza
Birth Date: 19 October 1991
From: Kpg. Judan Mukah, Sarawak.
Blood type: 0+
Zodiac: libra
Education: Premier school: SK Dua Sungai, Mukah
                 High school: SMK Agama Igan, Mukah (Form 1-5)
                                     SMK Oya, Mukah (Form 6)
                 University: UITM Bandaraya Melaka
                 Courses: Bachelor of Business Administration in Insurance (Hons)   

My father's name is Mohtaza bin Meri and he is already 56 years old. Work as government worker.  

My mother's name is Hasmi binti Matali
and she is 51 years old.